Wednesday, November 03, 2004

You need to check out....

I was sitting here this morning and thinking about some of the blogs that I read on a daily basis. I thought it would be good if I would tell you a little about each one. Maybe this will turn into a blog of the week type deal....until then, let me tell you about a couple of the ones I read on a fairly regular basis:

1) Resa's Blog is obviously one that I visit on a daily basis. Well, I won't say daily, since I know she doesn't update daily, but I do check it everytime I know that she has been on.

2) Nomey's Spot is one that I check everyday, knowing that my boy Levi has usually posted something good to chew on. Levi is the Young Life leader at C'ville and is Youth Pastor at a church in the D'burg. I like Nomey's Spot so much because I know that me and Levi have a lot in common. You should really check this blog out. And pray for his ministry too! I know that doing ministry is such a hard and stressful thing to do. Here is a direct link to todays post and some comments that I posted.

3) Real Live Preacher is a blog that is prolly one of the most interesting ones on the net. He has even written a book from the popularity of this blog. This guy sure can write. He will make you think...make you mad...and make you wonder. I check this daily and often go through the archives to read some of his older stuff.

4) Ragamuffin Ramblings is a blog that I found last night. Actually, it was more like early this morning. I can tell that this is going to be one that I definately keep an eye on. You should prolly check it out too!

And now for a link that I just added: stumbling toward faith is a website of an author named Renee Alston. She has written a book called "Stumbling Toward Faith" and is passionately trying to sell it. It is about all kinds of abuse and unfortunately includes her story. Be forewarned that this book may cause old feelings to come back if you have ever experienced any kind of abuse before. I checked out the free PDF sample that she has on her site....and I am definately going to buy this book. Maybe even an autographed book. It's a shame that people have to go through the things that they go through. Anyways, let me encourage you to check out this book and this site. I may try to get the book to read and then may try to get a blog interview on here. I know that she does we will see.

Hopefully, I will post later on today. Again. So check back often .....

1 comment:

Steve F. said...

Thanks for your plug, brother - and it's good to have found YOUR blog, as well.

One that I would also recommend is - Rick's got some powerful reflections on life and faith there.

And thanks for the other links - I'm gonna check 'em out now...