Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Watch your enemies....

Sometimes we are mistaken by who we think our friends are. We get it confused because they play the game so well. They act like they are your friend....but in reality, they only think about one thing. (Mostly themselves)

It's a shame. You should be able to trust people. I mean really trust people. I am talking the kind of trust where you never have to wonder if they are plotting or if they are out to do something behind your back.

I've said it before and I will say it again....keep your eyes on your friends....cause they may turn out to be your enemies.

1 comment:

Reader Michael said...

Sounds like you're having a hard day. I like your willingness to express yourself blog-ly speaking. I hope it doesn't prevent you from confronting those who have wronged you. You're right that many times friends turn out to be enemies. Keep trusting that good wins and God is working. Don't stop trusting all people because of some people.