Ok, so I realize that this blog has been anything but regular. If anything, it has needed a healthy dose of fiber. So, here I am with a large dose of prune juice to get this little bad boy going again.
What brings me back to writing and blogging? I guess the sudden interest in just that – blogging – and well podcasting. Working with John on podcasts and blogging has definitely re-energized my passion for blogs. I love blogging. I love writing. I am not really sure why i stopped. But I did.
The use of blogs and podcasts in ministry settings is really starting to pick up. I am not sure how many churches in the area are curently blogging and doing podcasts but I am pretty sure that it is pretty low – if any. But what a great way to connect with those that may never step a foot in your worship service. What a great way to connect with those who are a little sceptical about “church” and “christians.”
There are plenty of “christian” podcasts and blogs. The podcasts seem to be nothing more than a mini sermon – of some sort. Or jut that, parts of sermons. I am positive that i am not listening to the right podcasts – or I have been burned by such bad ones. As far as blogs go – these are definitely picking up for churches/pastors as a means of communicating.
All that aside, I think that podcasts and blogging is one of the absolute best things that St. Paul's can do in regards to content for the website and most importantly it is the best thing we can do in reaching a post-christian area. Skepticism plagues the area as people are either studying other spiritual belief systems or have been so burnt by churches that they can never see themselves ever going back to “church.” How could you ever reach them? How can you let them know that there are others out there just like them and that they have been through the same thing when you never get that opportunity.That is not even to take into account the benefits that the members of our church will get as we identify and clarify what it is that we truly believe.
I am sure blogging and podcasting is just the beginning of what Web 2.0 has in store for us. Perhaps we should go ahead and start thinking further outside of the box and look to what the future has for us in regards to the Web. Video-Podcasting is becoming more popular. Social networks (myspace, facebook) are not only the future but the right now.
Where will all this go? How will we incorporate these technologies into our church?