Thursday, November 11, 2004

Modernism/Postmodernism....the definition

Modernism/Postmodernism Comparison Chart

I found this article, not too long ago, and thought that some of you might be interested in it. I know that it was very interesting to me. This article gives a brief overview of the differences between modernism and postmodernism. I found the first part dry but the chart was excellent giving both sides in a fairly accurate way. I really enjoy this conversation and find myself amazed at my modernist tendencies, while I am naturally postmodern.

Some of you might disagree with this. That is ok. You are allowed. I hereby, being the owner of this blog, give you permission to disagree with me. Ha, Ha. Isn't that funny.

For those of you who are not familiar with this modern/postmodern conversation, do a google search to see what you come up with. I could give you a summary, albeit a brief one, but I think that the discovery of this conversation is much funner than having everything explained to you. I know in my journey, I have learned the most whenever I have become self critical of the things in my life. I look back and see the role that the Enlightenment has played on both me and my theological biases.

Well, I guess I kinda let you in on part of this conversation. The Enlightenment had a huge role in the forming of this modernist mindset. You will find that it was during this period that a new "system" came into power. A system that has ruled Christianity and the rest of the world for years. But now, there is a new paradigm that is being ushered in. This paradigm or system is that of postmodernism. People are beginning to think differently than those of the modern system. Is all of it good? No. Is all of it bad? No. But I do believe, with all my heart, that we have allowed Christianity to be conformed to the modern way of thinking. And like I said, not that it is all bad. Cause it's not. Some of modernism has been helpful and useful. But whenever we start allowing our thought processes to control our theology then we have overstepped where God would want us to step.

This is a very interesting conversation. There are many sides to this and the sides are as diverse as the We Are The World video. There are plenty of pro/con articles out there for you to read. However, I reccomend you find an article that presents both sides or presents all of the argument, and then you pray, read your Bible and make a decision on your own. Refuse to let others think for you. Don't believe something just because some famous Christian believes it. Seek the Holy Spirit and He will lead.

Here are some links for you to check out:
Another comparison chart
Toward a Theological Understanding
Collection of Postmodern Links

until then.......

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