Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Found this quote.....

So I was doing some general searching on the internet this morning and I come across this quote by Henri Nouwen. Henri Nouwen was a Catholic priest who was one of the most influential spiritual writers of both his time and our time as well. He writes with great clarity and passion that seems to captivate his audience. Now I know some of you are thinking, "I ain't gonna read no Catholic's quote. He ain't got nothing to say to me or for me." Before you pass such a biased and heavy opinion, why don't you take a closer look at the quote first.

“During the last decade, many have discovered the limits of the intellect. More and more people have realized that what they need is much more than interesting sermons and prayers. They wonder how they might really experience God.”
- Henri Nouwen

Let me just say, "WOW!" I love this quote and find it a relevant issue that I struggle with on a daily basis. I find myself, even now in the shadows of a cliff, longing to really experience God. To know Him. No. Not know Him. KNOW Him. Do you see the difference? I know who He is and what He has done.....but I long for much more than that. I long for the closeness that I know is there, waiting 0n me.

I have found for the most part, that my relationship with God, has been superficial. Please don't underestimate this confession. For me, this is a hard thing to admit. At least to anyone besides Resa. I have found that so much of my spiritual life has been based on a relationship that is pretty much a "hi and bye" type of relationship. Sure I trust Christ for my salvation. And sure I love God with all my heart. But there is still something missing. There is still something that doesn't quite connect things, if you know what I mean.

I long for more than just a casual relationship with God. I long for a strong and intimate communion that takes me closer to my Father. There have been times where I felt "close" to God. But looking back at those times, I see that it was just a cover for a superficial relationship.

It seems for alot of folks (including me), have become satisfied with the sermons and the well thought out prayers that we hear at church. We look at them as the means to our experiencing God. But should it be that way? Should the pastor/preacher be responsible for our experiencing God? Or should we take the responsibility and the initiative to do whatever it takes to experience God on a fuller level?

Shouldn't we all have some kind of strong desire to experience God more fully? Shouldn't we all have this deep longing to know Him more than just a "thing?"

as always....I'm ravished

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