Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Name calling

Quote from Yac - "One day we decided to become a follower of Christ, to seek his presence in our lives, and were doing our best to keep Jesus in our sights when we were shocked to discover our fellow "classmates" calling us names. "Ungodly. Uncommitted. Poor example. Unspiritual. Carnal. Unbiblical." In other words, 'You are "doing God" all wrong' "

It's amazing at how many times I have said that. It's even more amazing how many times I have heard that said. Why is the ones who pick on each other the most are supposed to be the ones that "you will know by their love for each other?" Don't you think that is strange?

But it's all too true. We like to find all the "wrongs" of everybody else instead of looking at ourselves. Or better yet, we spend more time "fighting" issues than seeking after God's face. That's right - I said it and I will say it again. We spend more time making fun of homosexuals and condemning them to hell than we do checking ourselves and worrying about the sin in our lives. It's easy for us to pick on "them" because we don't struggle with that sin.

But what about the ones that we do struggle with? Who's there to point them out to us and raise a big deal about them? Who's there to condemn us when we fall short of the Glory of God? (I know we always fall short but you get my point)

It's prolly cause we spend so much of our time calling people "Ungodly" and other Christianese names. We spend all of our energy tearing down others instead of focusing on what is truly important......us seeking God.

We have a "them" concept.

Now before anybody says it, I know what you are going to say. "Well, I am just calling sin, sin." Yeah. Ok. I understand that. But let me tell you as one who used to do the same things......there is more to it. I have no problem with calling sin out....but there is a way to do it. And for the most part.....we have dropped the ball. We have condemned any person that has dealt with homosexual tendencies, had an abortion, or any other "inappropriate" sin. The time is to quit condemning.....and to start loving.

final thought.....where is our grace? Didn't we recieve some?

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