Thursday, October 28, 2004

My response to comments......

I am glad that my last post has stirred you to think and therefore caused at least one of you to post a comment. Things like this excite me. I love these kinds of things. That is why, I want to probe their thoughts a little in my post. I will quote them and then respond with questions that I have.

Let me say this: I am asking questions not out of bias but out of critical thinking...not trying to take sides but to pose real questions that come up.

“With the issue of abortion man has begun to chip away at the fact that "man is created in the image of God" and that we are no differant than an animal.With the issue of Marriage they have begun to chip away at a foundational institution that God set in place.”

With the issue of homosexual acceptance they are chipping away at sin and mocking God.

I am not so sure that we can say definitively that Bush is God’s choice based on abortion and the homosexual marriage issue. Here are a couple of my thoughts:

1.Do you think that sometimes we often place some issues higher than other issues? For example, shouldn’t the country be concerned about the poverty of this nation, the lack of healthcare for millions, and the economic welfare of this nation?

Here is something that a lot of us miss: what about those that are starving around the world and are consequently dying due to lack of food and malnutrition. We do nothing in that regards. That is in some ways, killing of innocent children. If abortion is absolutely wrong in all cases and killing babies is sinful and unjust, then why don’t we do something about all the children that are dying all over the world?. I mean more than do something. Shouldn’t this be a major issue for the USA? I know that everyone thinks that we do enough but the question must become: are we doing all that we can?

Also, if abortion is wrong because it is taking another’s life – then shouldn’t the death penalty be done away with? You probably say “No” and your reasoning is that the Bible gives us the command to do it. Let me ask you this, why should our laws be based on the Bible? (What exactly does separation of church and state mean?) Who chooses which parts of the Bible becomes law?

2.A question coming from someone else is this: “Why is same sex marriage illegal? It can’t be illegal, because it doesn’t break any laws. Oh yeah, you must object due to it’s a sin and that is the reason. Well, not every church sees it as a sin, who gets to decide what sins are sins? What about divorce? The bible is pretty clear about it being a sin, yet it is legal. Many churches see divorce as a major sin yet we don’t hear their opinions and make that a law do we? Some churches think war is wrong yet we have war. ” I think what this person is trying to say is this: What does separation of church and state exactly mean? If this nation is founded on religious freedom, how much freedom is there when you base your laws on whether or not something is a sin? Who’s religious text do you use? What happens if another religion sees same sex marriage as part of their religion? Do they not have the right to object? These are just some questions that this person raises….I will let you decide the answers.

“If we truly believe that "faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" and we truly believe that God commands us to teach/preach all that He commands then we "must" be willing to "take up our cross and follow Jesus".For some of us it could be the cross of higher taxes, loss of civil rights, loss of jobs, and maybe even loss of life but if that is the Cross Christ ask us to bear to follow him than a true disciple of His will work to the best of his/her ability to defend the right to teach "all" that God commands us to.”

1.What if in that passage, Jesus was implying that by taking up our crosses we must do something that would get us in trouble with the authorities? That is one interpretation based on the context of that passage. Jesus might have said that because the disciples knew that one would only get the cross due to “big” crimes. Maybe Jesus is calling us to live radical lives anyway? Why would we fear that?

“I find it rather funny and sad that Hustler magazine's owner is for Kerry. He is for this party because he knows that people with morals are a threat to his livelyhood. He is willing to spend millions to protect his business of smut that he is so proud of. He understands better than most Christians that the "judges" in our highest courts will either uphold morals and stop or limit his business or they will allow moral decay to occur. Flynt knows what he is doing when he cast his ballot. He is looking to the future. I only hope and Pray Christians are as wise as he is.”

1.I totally get their point on this. But I must ask myself two series of questions: 1)Should I really not vote for someone just because someone else is voting for them? OR Should I vote for someone just because someone else is voting for them? Shouldn’t I weigh out this option on my own and seek out God’s will? 2) How can we KNOW that this is the reason that Flynt supports Kerry? Maybe he supports him because he believes in a more democratic process where the government has a more hands on policy? What if he gives millions away to charities and has a heart for them and desires the democrats to be in office so that the economical and societal dimensions of this nation will grow/increase? I can’t rule out that is the reason he is voting for Kerry, but neither can I say for sure.

(The Parable of the Shrewd Manager – see quote in the comments section from last post)

1.Why would this be applicable? The first assumption that we would have to make is that America should be a Christian nation. Now I would be all for everyone to come and know Jesus as their redeemer. But I am not for that through governmental sanctions. If I wanted that then I could move to England. (Which I might ‘smile’) No. Instead, I would want everyone to trust in Him because they see Him as the great pleasure of life. They see Him as the delight that fills their hearts.

2.Why do we equate America as the New Israel? We just assume that because we have prospered that we must now be God’s chosen nation. Why? What makes us think that? Where does it say that? Who says that? See my point?

I am not against a Christian nation. But I must not forget about religious freedom. We can’t make laws making people be Christians. Some may not be saying that but that is exactly what we are trying to do.

Seriously, you should check out my opinion from a couple of posts ago. It is talking about how Jesus is neither Republican or Democrat. I think it sums up my beliefs as far as this election goes.

Thanks to Levi, here is a link to a petition directly related to that -

Check it out…..anyways….if you haven’t tried the survey/Q and A from 2 posts ago – try it out. At least give it a fair chance. You might be surprised……

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