Monday, October 25, 2004

Maybe I am being misunderstood......maybe not

My MSN name is the following: Ever felt like your spiritual life wasn't good enough?

Now that can be understood in many different ways. Maybe that name is not the best one since it doesn't relay a concise and easily understood definition or meaning of what I am trying to get across.

Or maybe that is the point. Maybe it's supposed to cause confusion and misunderstanding. Is that possible?

Is that wrong?

A friend asked this question: "isn't it impossible to ever have a good enough spiritual life? think about it."

Pretty good thoughts. Makes you stop and think about it doesn't it? Maybe that is exactly what it is supposed to do. Maybe the name is supposed to make you question if you believe it and question if you agree with it.

The truth behind that name is a little deeper than when you first read it. It is not meant to be a kiddie pool kinda statement but more like a lake. You don't dive into a kiddie pool, but you would a lake.

Let's take a quick dip into the lake and talk about it for a minute. Can our spiritual life ever be good enough? Are we even talking about it in a measurement kind of way?

Or could it be that I am talking about the passionate pursuit by millions of Christians to "do." That's We base our spiritual life on how much we read the Bible, how much we pray, how much we attend church, and other tangible things that we count. But a lot of time, what we do is talk about how we are not doing enough. If we read 5 chapters of the Bible a day, then we say, "Well I am not reading my Bible enough."

The question that we must answer is: What is enough? If I read the whole Bible, will I still feel like I didn't do enough? If I only read a that enough?

What about prayer...what is enough? If I pray for an hour in the mornings and an hour at lunch and an hour at night...would we say that is enough? OR would we say that we haven't done it enough?

I am NOT advocating not doing these things because we will never do enough. That would be a cop out. What I am doing is trying to make us think.....and to prove a point.

Maybe our spiritual life is never good enough because we try to measure it. Maybe its not good enough because we try to put performance goals and records on it. Maybe our spiritual life is not good enough because we base it on all of these things, when it should be based on Christ and Him alone. My spiritual stance before God never changes.....I am a forgiven, loved child of God. He doesn't take away my salvation or my standing before Him if I don't read my Bible every day. NO! That would be a works based religion. Instead, it is His grace that keeps me hanging on. Not any of my works....but all HIM!

So....are you basing your spiritual life on what you do or don't do?

OR are you basing it on the position you have with God through Christ?

think about it................

1 comment:

Reader Michael said...

A friend of mine said this week:"I realize now that I have to have more than the rational basis of my faith. It has to be grounded in existential experience of the presence of God."
I have struggled and defined "being spiritual" as different things at different times. I have strived to live up to a cosmic list of do's and don'ts. I have tried to get all my doctrinal ducks in rows.
I have given all that up to follow Christ wholeheartedly.