Thursday, October 14, 2004

Is it possible?

I woke up this morning before Resa. That is pretty rare considering I went to bed later than she. I couldn't sleep last night. And obviously couldn't stay asleep this morning. I woke up this morning thinking about following Jesus. Actually, that is what woke me up.

Here is the question: is it possible that we have turned following Jesus into legalism? Don't understand? Let me explain.

I think that we have our preconcieved notions of what following Jesus means. We think of someone who listens to Christian music, has a fish on their car, wears Testimony Tees and acts a certain way. We all have our biased opinion of what a follower of Jesus is.

But is that what makes a follower of Jesus? Is it these ideas that are merely external? Or is there more to it......a heart issue?

For example, suppose that a young gentleman decides to trust in Jesus and become a follower. (I restrain from saying "He got saved") Now, due to circumstances, he has "gotten" away from all the influences that led him to Christ (fundamental, conservative Christians). He no longer has someone to disciple him and to help teach him how to follow Christ. Because of this, he starts listening to "secular" music....cussing.....drinking socially......smoking on occasion......stops going to church, which never liked him anyway......and even has casual sex with his girlfriend. All of this done with no idea that it is "wrong."

Is he still a follower of Christ?

Now before you answer....think about this: Following Jesus is a heart issue. Its internal not external. Anything else becomes works based and negates the Cross of Christ.

Is he still a follower of Christ? Was he ever a follower of Christ? He truly believed yet he doesn't look it or act it. What's the deal?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Drew,
That is a hard subject, about a year ago me and my family moved here, to Costa Rica where I had the not so fun opportunity of making all new friends and for the first time I found that not everyone is a christian, listening to christian music, and having wonderful christian parents. That was definitely a BIG shocker to me as the little town that I come from is a large majority christian, I'm not saying that EVERYONE was but it was and still is a very supportive community. Anyway, getting back to the subject, I found that not one of my neigbor's were christian as Costa Rica's state religion is cathalosism(sp), I guess that my warning or discovery is that it is hard to not have the support of fellow christians and as my dad puts it, if you walk to close to the creek bed you're probably going to fall in. I have tried to think of a way to get to my neighbors as far as helping them gain a better relationship with God, but everytime I'm around them I just feel awful, as if I'm doing something I'm not supposed to. Now maybe thats the some spiritual warfare going on there but I'm kind of lost. Do you have any advice, being a youth pastor yourself?
PK in Costa Rica,
Nick Wisdom,