Saturday, October 09, 2004

Christian Ghetto?

Is it just me or am I the only one that sees a HUGE Christian sub-culture in our society? I mean just look around and you will be surprised with what you see. We have our own bookstores, our own movies, our own music, our own candy, our own clothing and even our own Christian mechanics.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to ridicule or put down any of the aforementioned things. Those things, in and of themselves, are not "wrong" or "bad." I like some Christian music and I liked the Passion. I go to Christian bookstores on occasion and I even think testamints are tasty.

There is, however, a truth to our "Christian ghetto." We have not taken the biblical command to go into the world, instead, we have retreated from the world. We have created a safe place for us and our children to live so that they don't have to interact with the world.

In the world but not of the world? Nope that is not for us. We don't even want to be in the world. We do everything we can to be separate from the world. If we are even close to anything in the world, we think it to be defiling.

But I think Christ calls us to interact with the world, not run from it. He calls us to engage with those that are not followers, doing so in a way that is biblical and right.

But I think that the ghetto has negated anything that we might do. We have cheesy sayings and cliches that are offensive to all that are not part of the club, oops I mean church. For example, those that stand outside and hold up a sign that says "Jesus Saves" do nothing constructive for our faith. Nobody sees that sign and runs out to get "saved." I am not even sure I like that word so much. Saved and lost are words that are potentially harmful to a discussion on Christ.

I am calling us to rethink everything that we do that could be potentially harmful to those who do not follow Christ. We need to make sure that we are not building walls but instead tearing them down. We need to be engagers with the world not haters.

That is funny. I just used the word haters. But its so true so I will keep it there.

More thoughts to follow soon......

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