Thursday, September 02, 2004

God's Grace

God's grace is so amazing. I know that this saying "amazing grace" is probably overdone but as I sit here listening to Todd Agnew's "Grace Like Rain" I can't help but feel unworthy of His grace and incompetent to describe this grace that God gives so freely to me. I prayed this morning that God would give me grace in a certain situation and God did just that. He poured his wonderful grace upon me today, all to His great glory. Grace - so undeserved. I feel sometimes, well most of the time that I need grace to even accept God's grace. Why does the Sovereign choose to be kind to me, a ragamuffin, a sinner who's heart is full of sin and shame?

Have you ever had one of those days where you just know that you had this "supernatural" help and that you were spared from something worse or something terrible? That is what this day was like. I worried and fretted over something so small. Yet I left it in God's hands and prayed for His grace. And it was His grace that got me through. By His grace and for His glory. That is the name of a book but is the theme of my life. I live by His grace and for His glory.

By His grace and for His glory.

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